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Rom Coms Trivia Night @ Mom's Midtown

701 9th Ave., New York, NY 10019

How many romantic comedies have you seen in your life? Are you aware that there are rom coms not starring Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Meg Ryan, Drew Barrymore, Katherine Heigl or Tom Hanks?

Celebrate Valentine's Day early and test your rom com knowledge at Trivia, Actually: Rom Coms Trivia Night at Mom's Tipsy Trivia in Midtown. It's a pub quiz trivia night featuring several rounds of questions and the chance to win some cowabunga-worthy prizes.

Share your rom com vim and vigor with themed cocktails and a whole vibe - dressing as your favorite rom com character is optional but encouraged. How many Hitches can fit into one trivia night? Full food menu and cocktail menu will be available.

Join Mom's in Midtown every month for a trivia night featuring a different theme.

Event Over

$5.00 6 tickets maximum per purchase.